Selected Paper

First Author

  1. Lestari, Y., & Kusumah, F. (2023). The US foreign policy towards China during Trump administration. Global Focus, 03(01), 65–79. doi:10.21776/ub.jgf.2023.003.01.6 

  2. Lestari, Y., & Mujib, M. (2022, December 1). Optimizing Personal Data Protection Legal Framework In Indonesia (A Comparative Law Study). SUPREMASI HUKUM Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Hukum, 11(2).

  3. Lestari, Y., Hong, W., Sentanu, I. G., & Rahmahwati, I. N. (2022). Solarium reimagined: Containing the rise of China. Global Focus, 2(2), 162-171. doi:10.21776/ub.jgf.2022.002.02.6

  4. Lestari, Y., Lohalo Georges, O., Diur, N. K., Mushinda, B. N., Mbumba, V. M., Kianga, S. M., & Ngolo, M. P. (2022). Security Cooperation between China and Indonesia to Address Maritime Security Threats. Open Journal of Political Science, 12, 534-555. 

  5. Lestari Y., the Contribution of Islamic Law and Customary (Adat) Law in Indonesia in Imprints of History, Religions and Revolutions on Law (Book Chapter)

  6. Yuliannova L.., Ayo, Mulih Rek, in Puan Indonesia Menulis Pandemi (Chapter Book in Bahasa Indonesia)


  1. Sentanu, I. G., Prabowo, A., Kumalasari, K., Lestari, Y., & Kaewmanee, P. (2023). Sharpening strategic collaborative of social safety net program in COVID-19 ERA: Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 373–393. doi:10.2991/978-2-38476-090-9_30 

  2. Sentanu, I. G., Lestari, Y., & Lohalo, G. O. (2023). Promoting collaboration in supporting the Sustainable Governance of Educational Forest Areas. Publikasi Penelitian Terapan Dan Kebijakan, 6(1), 46–55. doi:10.46774/pptk.v6i1.526 

  3. Mushinda, B. N., Lestari, Y., Mbuku, J. G., Shongo, T., Badila, J. M., Mutombo, S., … Mosali, P. B. (2023). The Xi Jinping’s Community with a shared future for mankind: Understanding in China-africa cooperation. Open Journal of Political Science, 13(02), 230–239. doi:10.4236/ojps.2023.132014 

  4. Iqbal, M., Mujib, M. M., & Lestari, Y. (2022). Does omnibus law affect the Indonesian investment regulations towards Chinese investors? Volksgeist: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Dan Konstitusi, 179-197. doi:10.24090/volksgeist.v5i2.6838

  5. Lohalo, G. , Lestari, Y. , Shongo, T. , Mushinda, B. , Diur, N. , Badila, J. , Mutombo, S. , Nonga, M. , Itaka, C. , Bafita, C. and Mutshembe, F. (2022) U.S-China Competition in Africa: The Strategic Ambiguity. Open Journal of Political Science12, 670-684. doi: 10.4236/ojps.2022.124036.

  6. Rahmahwati, I.N., Lestari, Y. (2021). Promoting Indonesia’s Tourism to China through Publich Diplomacy during the Reign of President Joko Widodo,. Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, 20 (1): 49-77. DOI: 10.14710/jis.20.1.2021.49-77